Tuesday, February 12, 2013


If life is like a dream!I will throw the bad things i had done and kept all nice things i've ever did...And i will always create and do a good works that will inspire my life in the future.I will always keep in my mind that all good situation can happen and all hard times that i go through will be erase easily...Mybe times that pass away can be repeat or skip according to my feeling.All this things could happen if life is really a dream... 
But life is not a dream at all!You must pass the hard and nice times every day or every minutes in real life!All the horrible things will happen eventhough we want or not.And all sweet things will happen floeing the times...We can't stop the times from running and we can't avoid it.Besides,make it as our challenge in life and we must face it with strenght and patiently solve or accept those situation...For me,if i can choose,i will choose real life because it makes me be better in all situation...Life makes people know who they are and work hard to get whats they need to achieve their dreams...don't ever give up in your life besides fill it with a spectacular things!!!my spactacular thing is enjoy with kpop!hehe


Friday, February 8, 2013


to show my love to BTOB!!!
I made it by myself>>> "melody"
my bias in this group is LEE MINHYUK!!!
he have an innocent and cute face!!!
i'm melting if i saw him!ehehe


hai!emmm,dh lma x tlis blog ni>>>so jom started dngn cite kpd tjuk yg aku tlis tu!!!
satu hari ni,aku trmimpi psal YOUNGMIN boyfriend!entahlah tetibe je bleh mimpi!sbb obsses sngt kot!mybe?
it begin like this,msa tu aku bru kluar dri gate sklah,past trnmpk my bias ni(youngmin)brdiri betul2 dpn gate tu...aku ape lgi tnganga,trlopong,trkejut,tr insane>>>>dn yg sewaktu dngnnya!!!cam x caye je kn!hehe
past tu dia siap pnggil aku chingu lgi(kwn)...mcm dh lma jdik kwn agk plak!best gk klau cam tu!lgi pon aku dh form 5 x de la jauh beza sngt pon ngan dia!!!past tu dia ajk aku blik skali ngan dye///aku on ja>>>sape x nk young min kot!(ayt mnyampat thp ngade)
dia cite mcm2 la kt aku!rsa bngga plak>>>hehe
past tu aku pon cite la plak ape bnde best yg jdik kt sklah!!!dye siap tnjuk smiley face yg pling cute!!!klau tngk lma2 bleh cair mcm ice-cream nih>>>
tngh dk syok2 borak2 tetiba je aku dngr bunyi bising thp 10!rupa2 i'm dreaming only!it is not happen in the real life!!!mmg sah lgi sahih x mungkin bleh jumpak youngmin in the reality....aku cume bleh jdi fans dye je>>>btw,tau x bunyi bising tu ape!bunyi alarm la,gerak aku bgun tido!!!aku ltk lgu BOYFRIEND-JANUS!!!mls la nk ltk lgu I.Y.A.H nnti bising sngt!!!rsa2 nye la klau aku trus dreaming msti aku x gi sklah la kot!nsibla trjaga...hehe!!!!dh form 5 nih,so i am SPM students,,,,,
bile form 5 ni kite jdik sunbae la kn!sbb yg pling tua.....
rsa cam nk lgi la mimpi cam tu best!ish2 ape nk jdik ni asyik brangan truk je!kau kne bljr betul2 bru la bleh pegi bljr kt korea!!!ingt tu>>>at that moment,entah2 bias2 aku skrng ni dh tua2 pe!hehe

this is youngmin(my bias in boyfriend)

that all for today!!!!my life is not very awesome like some people!but the key of happiness is makes everyday better and more better!full ur life with a spectacular things and never give up!!!